▼Norg | |
▼Nqtproject | |
▼Nqt5 | |
▼Nandroid | |
▼Nbindings | |
CQtActivity | |
CAbstractGem | Base class of all gems. As base class all required information of a gem are stored. Also, useful algorithms for collision detection are provided. Furthermore, this class is supposed to be used within QML |
CBlurEffect | The BlurEffect blurs a given texture |
CCamera | View and perspective projection matrices. Additional the viewport of camera is stored. The view of camera has to be specified by eye, center and up or by position, viewdirection and up. It is allowed to mix both definitions, but it might lead to unexpected behaviour. The perspective projection is specified by field of view, viewport, and near and far plane |
CConfig | Easy access to values read out of our config.json provided by ConfigView.qml. The config class is implemented as singleton, because these values are used in many various situations. This class works together ConfigView.qml |
CCubeGem | CubeGems are gems with a shape like a cube. The only difference to AbstracGem is the fact, that a cube gem has a shape defined |
CCubeMap | Loads cubemap textures and provides them as OpenGL-texture |
CEnvironmentMap | The EnvironmentMap is a CubeMap based rendering technique for showing some scene enviroment |
CFileIO | Platform independent file reading for resource files used. The file that should be read is specified by name and FileIO will load it from platform dependent location |
CGameLostRay | Specialized LightRay, that is created if the player should lose as soon as the player reaches it |
CGemData | Stores all required information to describe an AbstractGem. The advantage of GemData is, that it is possible to assign, copy, compare and qHash() this class. Therefore, it is possible to store it in most Qt-containers |
CGemRenderer | Renders all of our gems. For performance reasons the GemRenderer packs all gems and fakes instanced drawing |
CHighscore | The Highscore is only a semantic class to clarify that this fileIO is a Highscore |
CLightRay | Describes the lightrays sent into Scene. Because LightRays are sent into Scene right after creation, they are more lines but rays. Rays are organized as a tree, a ray owns all of its successors(). Most of the game logic is still done within LightRay::update() |
CLightRayData | Stores data of a LightRay. The LightRayData doesn't inherit from QObject, so it can be stored in Qt-Containers (currently only those require == or qHash) by Value. Also the data can be copied easily |
CLightRayRenderer | The LightRayRenderer packs LightRays and paints them |
CNavigation | Interface for all navigation techniques. The navigation takes euler angles in coordinate system based on current view and translate them into quaternions describing the changes in our world |
CPainter | The Painter class Includes the rendering process, thus creating the whole picture. The Painter will be used by QML within rendering thread |
CPainterQML | Responsible for making our game visible within QML using Painter. This class is intended to be added and created within QML. As the element showing our game it recognizes resize events and update events needed by our application. Also it keeps our rendering alive. Furthermore, it is the interface between game logic and rendering |
CPlayer | The Player class' only responsibilities are riding on lightrays and updating the camera |
CQHash | |
CQList | |
CQSet | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_AbstractGeometry_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_AbstractGeometryRenderer_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_AbstractNavigation_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_LightRay_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_Player_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_Scene_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_SceneRenderer_t | |
CQVector | |
CScene | Access to geometry and collision detection methods. Furthermore, some game logic is implemented, so the scene holds the player, the gem influenced by player and cameras |
CSceneBounds | Special kind of gem describing the bounds of scene. The shape of the bounds is a cube, with a given extent in each direction. The main reason that the bounds are also a gem is easier collision detection. If there are bounds around our scene every ray emitted into scene will hit something. Furthermore the collision with scene bounds can be processed in a way, that the player will lose if the player hits the bounds |
CSceneRenderer | The SceneRenderer class Renders the scene: Packs the scene in the buffer and draws the scene in as few render calls as possible. The SceneRenderer uses specialized Renderer for diffrent types of geometry |
CScreenAlignedQuad | Encapsulates the drawing of a screen aligned quad |
CSoundmanager | Several sounds which can be played. The Soundmanager is implemented as a singleton to manage the required resources |
CTetrahedronGem | TetrahedronGems are gems with a shape like a tetrahedron. The only difference to AbstracGem is the fact, that a TetrahedronGem has a shape defined |
CTriangle | Triangle in three dimensional space |